Self Criticism of Carelessness


Afternoon of April-09, 2019, the CEO of E-commerce sent a message in WeChat asking me if I had checked his messages carefully. It wasn’t until then that I went back and looked carefully at our chat records. Only then did I find that I failed to send my entry document in time as required. In the chat record on April 9, I was asked to send my entry document within two days.

In order to punish myself, I decided to write this review to learn the lesson.

Self Reflection

In April 9, when I received this long-awaited offer, I was very excited. So when I read the information, I read those words in a hurry with neglecting such key information. Then I shared the good news with my good friends, and asked them out for dinner and singing on Sunday. I hadn’t noticed this problem for four days unexpectedly until the CEO gave me a head-on blow.

I think I made the following mistakes in this incident:

  • Carelessness: Not reading the information carefully enough.
  • Flighty and Impetuous: Eager to celebrate without scrutinizing the information.
  • Self Conjecture: Misunderstanding that I thought I was been asked to take the document to the company in my first day.

This lesson taught me the following points:

  • Do things carefully and conscientiously.
  • Keep a serious attitude until all dust is settled.
  • If there are any ambiguities, must ask clearly before proceeding.

I must keep these lessons in mind and keep reminding myself to do better in my future work and life.